awesome game but medals are awesomer
awesome game but medals are awesomer
too easy
i finished the game without getting hit on my first go. great game anyway
shit man! this is very interesting but also very creepy
creepy but awesome
an interesting concept but gets very boring
never get bored
this game should be the best. i play it alot
not a bad game but nedds alot of improvements
javascript:submission_controller.GetR eviewController().GetWriteReviewWindo w().SetRating(10);
fun fun fun
a really fun and addicting game
awesome game
i really liked this game! plz make more!! btw why is it 7.8 kb?
I love the Ratchet and Clank series. Wait a minute, I've only really enjoyed the third one. I've played most of them and really only thought the third one was good. Tools of Destruction was the second best one but it wasn't amazing.
Joined on 7/29/11