managed to finish with 648 deaths
managed to finish with 648 deaths
OMG! yes! this game is fucking awesome! ive been waiting for this since the first one came out and now i cant stop playing this one
that was so fucking crazy.
this game is fun but i cant stand the cutscenes
Hans says: Then play action mode! or autoskip cutscenes once you beat the game :)
my brain has been polished
WOW... that was awesome. this is clearly the most educational thing you can find on newgrounds. there was soooooo much knowledge put into this. though its not very different from the first one but who cares. this was way better than sitting through school and learning this shit in a year. i just learnt it in 15 minutes.
good job man. bloody epic. i never knew shit could go down so small or so big. half the stuff in this project are something im not even intrested in but i still read it.
once again good job. great job. awesome job. FUCKING AMAZING!!!!
this is a very good game. lots to do and i can clearly see a ton of work went into it. good job
So happy to hear the amount of effort we put into this comes through.
the first play through takes aaaaaaages because you frequently get stuck and call in for the walkthrough but after you finish it then you finish the game again in like 4 min
couldnt stand it
i usually like challenging games and medals but i wasn't interested in this one.
firstly because you can slide the ball off the course and quickly bring it on the track again. this would of been a good thing but since it requires you to do that to solve some levels then i can see that there is a path that can make you lose. so what i got from that is that the whole map is your course not just the path.
secondly this game is long. i like long games if they aren't repetitive. yes, this game is very repetitive. all you do is slide the ball around to the finish mark. i probably didn't get far enough to the part where there are power ups (if there is any) but if you put in more "stuff" in the earlier levels then i would have played it more.
overall, good job at making something that appeals to you but remember that it also has to appeal to everyone else.
Hey, thanks for the feedback man :) Yeah, the levels do start changing up pretty quick - you have to get past the first 5 levels, then more tiles start getting introduced. Should only take about a minute of gameplay, get you used to the controls.
And trust me, without the ability to control the ball in space, this game would be obscenely difficult - that's part of the mechanic. It's not just a marble homie, it's a Eunaborb ;)
this game is fun and has you playing it again after finishing. the biggest flaw is that the skills are unbalanced and some are obviously better than others. everybody probably goes for the offensive skills rather than the defencive
its alright but not fun
im not gonna lie, the reason that i played this game is for the medals. if this didnt have medals then i would just skip it. its not fun and ive seen already a lot of games like this. use the skills you have to make something original.
I love the Ratchet and Clank series. Wait a minute, I've only really enjoyed the third one. I've played most of them and really only thought the third one was good. Tools of Destruction was the second best one but it wasn't amazing.
Joined on 7/29/11