the animation is perfect however the joke was very dry. besides, didnt you already make a flash that mocks flash?
the animation is perfect however the joke was very dry. besides, didnt you already make a flash that mocks flash?
the art and animation was terrible. the voices were decent but the thing that really saved this was the humor. seriously, this was bloody funny!!!
the backgrounds were the real highlight of this cartoon. the voices and animation were alright and I like your art style. The biggest disappointment was the boring and bland plot. It cuts from one subject to another. I am not sure if i should call the ending a plot twist because I wasn't very sure what happened.
i really love the art style. but thats it.
also congrats on first submission of 2013
this wasnt as funny as appaloosa and it didn't have enough gross out humor however i found Chris and Zach "lovable" in this episode. They were actually kinda cute. No homo.
We wanted our characters to do murder less people since it was Christmas and try to give them more depth. Thanks!
the jokes and dialogue are extremely bland, like always. Seriously, these ZTV news shorts are unnecessary to make. However I like your art style and i did find Zone-Tan cute in this one.
these things are getting worse and worse. i dont know why u would submit rushed projects to newgrounds. these kind of things got into the ng dump. the animation wasnt bad, however everything else had no sense of even existing. unless dylan is a 5 year old kid who begged u to put his drawing in, i dont know any other reason for his part.
look im sorry but if u are going to continue this then please put more effort in.
the animation wasn't very good and there was no plot to fully understand. Also, nat, dont make the outlines flicker if you are using thick brush strokes. change the smoothness to about 25 and make them thinner if you want the flickering effect.
AMAZING pixel art. nice genre music to fit in with nyan cat good job
I love the Ratchet and Clank series. Wait a minute, I've only really enjoyed the third one. I've played most of them and really only thought the third one was good. Tools of Destruction was the second best one but it wasn't amazing.
Joined on 7/29/11