that was actually very clever and funny. hope this gets front paged!
that was actually very clever and funny. hope this gets front paged!
totally predictible
funny as
i really liked the one with mecha sonic but the first skit was waaaaayyyyy too long
that was unbelievably awesome
Thanks :D!
you da trollin
hahahaha that was fuckin hilarious!!!!! cant wait for asdfmovie 5
now that was funny!
best part of the series! i really liked this
racist but who gives a fuck
very funny but i found this racist. i hope ng doesnt get sued
epic as man!!!!1111!!!!1111!!!1!!1!!
wat da fuk
this makes no actual sense. its just a wierd background and it is just a song that plays over and over
i found it funny but there are some bad things:
dude runs like a retard, not enough movement, characters dont have a personality, not creative just some rip offs from pop culture shit and there is no reasonably explanation to whats going on.
im not a harsh person, i just found this not to be my type
Understandable. But, if this isn't your bag...why'd you favorite my video?
I love the Ratchet and Clank series. Wait a minute, I've only really enjoyed the third one. I've played most of them and really only thought the third one was good. Tools of Destruction was the second best one but it wasn't amazing.
Joined on 7/29/11